I am selling my steam account with these games
Borderlands 2 and season pass
Counter strike source
Dota 2
Fallout new vegas
garrys mod
half life 2
hotline miami
infestation survival stories with some coins left on acc
just cause 2
killing floor
left 4 dead 2
rising storm
payday 2
sleeping dogs
saints row 2
terraria viscera clean up detail:santa's rampage
the walking dead
wings of prey
0.58 euro in wallet
25 items for team forstress 2
12 items for dota 2
I take payment only in paysafecard and if u are intrested
Message me on skype: ziggzagg68
or wright your skype down below and we can talk about the prize
Borderlands 2 and season pass
Counter strike source
Dota 2
Fallout new vegas
garrys mod
half life 2
hotline miami
infestation survival stories with some coins left on acc
just cause 2
killing floor
left 4 dead 2
rising storm
payday 2
sleeping dogs
saints row 2
terraria viscera clean up detail:santa's rampage
the walking dead
wings of prey
0.58 euro in wallet
25 items for team forstress 2
12 items for dota 2
I take payment only in paysafecard and if u are intrested
Message me on skype: ziggzagg68
or wright your skype down below and we can talk about the prize