WTS: Steam account 100+ games. MGSV. Fallout 4. GTAV. Arma 3. CSGO. Rocket league.

andy k

New Member

My account is worth £1353 however with sales taken into consideration I have spent a total of £440 on it over the place of 9 years. Account created on December 2006 with NO VAC BANS. I'm a bit of a noob to this so apologies if I've gotten the format wrong.

My account. Feel free to add if you wish to discuss. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197987114349/

andy k

New Member
I just googled this guys name 'ionut galan steam' and it appears that he has scammed numerous people over the last 2 years. Admin I would recommend looking into this, issuing a ban and updating your known scammers lists.