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I am looking to trade a steam account wich has 17 paid games and a total of 45 games f2p and paid.

The account contains TF2 Premium, Garry's Mod, PayDay The Heist, Radical Roach Deluxe Bloody Trapland and more! The account value is $121 (100 Eur) and I want 90 Eur or another steam account wich would contain any of the following:

TF2 Premium DLC (Must have 2 strange items that might worth $1 each)

Garry's Mod

Counter Strike: Global Offensive (Any rank)

Payday 2 (It can be >50 but I don't mind)

DayZ OR H1Z1(I don't care, I want one of those.)

It can have more games but Those listed up there are a must if you want to trade. Maybe without the TF2 Premium DLC but GMOD; CS:GO; PD2; DayZ/H1Z1; are a must. I think it is going to be pretty unfair for me but those are my wishlist games. Even if I have TF2 Premium and Gmod.

On garry's mod there is a server that is called OpenRP I have it on favs and there I have level 50 if you are interested ;)

Here you can see the games, The hours played on those games and the Value of the account.
