Steam acc pics.,6NdqAej,BiXS2Py,ShOaxDV,Wy7uJ2d,dOXC3bV#0
Have 42 Games (270 euros) but steamDB counts i have 45 games and adds additional 32 euros i didn't count those 32 euros. My inventory has about 7-9 euros of items put together, my csgo rank is "DMG" has 132 won games.
Everything is fine with VAC no bans or something like that, so you can ruin acc and blame it on urself.
Selling my account only via "webmoney" my Skype is "vol4ok1996"
Want to sell this account for about 170 Dollars.
Have 42 Games (270 euros) but steamDB counts i have 45 games and adds additional 32 euros i didn't count those 32 euros. My inventory has about 7-9 euros of items put together, my csgo rank is "DMG" has 132 won games.
Everything is fine with VAC no bans or something like that, so you can ruin acc and blame it on urself.
Selling my account only via "webmoney" my Skype is "vol4ok1996"
Want to sell this account for about 170 Dollars.
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