Steam Account & Origin Account


New Member
Sold my old steam account on here successfully and now I dumped more money on PC games than I should have and am looking to make some of it back. $160 for both, or $130 for Steam and $30 for Origin. Paypal only of course.

Origin account has only Battlefield 3 + Premium.

Steam games:

Arma II Combined Operations
Bit Trip Runner
Bit Trip Runner 2 - PREORDER
Black Ops 2
Don't Starve
Just Cause 2
Metro 2033
Red Faction Guerilla
Red Faction Armageddon
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Saints Row the Third - The Full Package
Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine


I'm only looking for a Premium version of Battlefield 3 and I want to exchange steam accounts for it. So add me on skype if you're interested.