Sup yall


New Member
name is wykynga ppl call me wyky. I play alot of mmo games. This is the first pc shooter i have ever played. Im more of a sword fighting man but i decided id give shooting a shot(hehe get it, give shooting a shot lol). so far im liking it but i have only been able to play 1 game cause it seems to be delteing itself everytime i shut down my pc. really looking forward playing more of this game. STILL LIKE WARHAMMER WAY BETTER THO :D


New Member
I like how you're nice to one person, somewhat as nice to the next, and slowly degressing down the bastard levels until you just reach complete bastard when it comes to karma.

Lemmy know when you get to razing orphanages. I may have a few offspring in there I want to save.

Oh yeah. Wyk, welcome to CAF


Active Member
welcome to the forums wyky.
enjoy your stay here and please stay active