Whats up f00s. I have been csing, since before i was a teen, i melted microphones instead of cones of ice cream, Cause i grab the mic and try to say yes ya'll they try to take it, and say im to small, cool I dont get upset, I kick a hole in the speaker pull the plus then i jet. Sorry I have ADD. Anyways. I am cool with blze and eggs and we were in a clan together for a long time. Then some f00 let me help run it then I ran it into the ground
. So I will be trying to get back into CZ, but I wont be devoting as much time as when i was in [tc] which was about 3/4 of my life. I look foward to playing some cz and making a easy target for you all. If you see me or any of my other alter egos on be sure to say sup. these will include but not limited to Duck N Run, Dark Helmet, Lord Helmet, The|Punisher, and Frank Castle. So just thought I would say hey, and as a wise man once says mew, and as always quackkkkkkkkk