Teen convicted for killing over iPod

Animal Mother

New Member

That's just fucked up. Over a fucking ipod? He was 15 years old, and he had to die over a fucking ipod.


New Member
thats so fucked up all 4 of the little mother fucker should be shot in face. Tacking someones life over a fucking ipod..

So happy i live in the country were the only living things are trees and they dont talk back..


New Member
wow this shit has gone way to far. ipods are causing a lot of fucking thefts now adays. not stabbing but stealing ipods in highschools has become a fucking epidemic i got mine jacked a few months ago and its fucking gay.


New Member
Yo, it's just like Jordans when they first came out. People used to shoot each other over a pair of fuckin shoes. Problem is, as long as you have the "haves" and the "have nots" there will always be this type of senseless crime.


New Member
remember when kids were getting jacked and killed over air jordans? same shit, different day. still really fucked up.


New Member
I hate Ipods, now im gonna go kill convicted teenagers for being assholes. A guy down the street from me got killed for road rage by two stupid teenagers. Stabbed right in the neck on the side of the road in broad daylight with 200 witnesses


New Member
blze said:
remember when kids were getting jacked and killed over air jordans? same shit, different day. still really fucked up.
did u even read ppls replys ?
rofl mew1
someone dun said that !

i saw news on charlotte this week on lunch break,
guy was walkin at 2:30 in the morning, aparently a person or people,
fuckd this guy up. beat him to within an inch of his life
over ....
$1.50 he had for a bus ticket
add insult to injury they took his clothes too.

its the society that breeds shit like that. capitalism spreads to teh streets
just in the case of iPods and Jordans and the "next big thing"
is greed and commertializm tellin us we "need" these things
theys always gonna be people who would rather go fuck a dude up
than spend the money to get it themselves


New Member
-=Skully=- said:
thats so fucked up all 4 of the little mother fucker should be shot in face. Tacking someones life over a fucking ipod..

now THAT makes sense! killing someone for killing someone! great idea!

wtf are you thinking? or did you think before you posted that?

it should be obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that the death penalty ISN'T WORKING to prevent murder/killing.


New Member
-=Skully=- wrote:
thats so fucked up all 4 of the little mother fucker should be shot in face. Tacking someones life over a fucking ipod..

now THAT makes sense! killing someone for killing someone! great idea!

wtf are you thinking? or did you think before you posted that?

it should be obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that the death penalty ISN'T WORKING to prevent murder/killing.

Your right... The family of the kid that died should be able to beat the fuck out of the 4 of them to the point of death and stop they might learn something cus jail ant gunna do it talking to them and slapping them on the hand and saying thats a bad boy sure as fuck ant gunna do. So whats it going to take to get in the heads of the little fuckers.......