New Member

Remember Baghdad Bob? For those of you who may have forgotten, he was the hapless Iraqi military spokesman from the Gulf War, who will forever go down as history's most used propagandist ever to grace gobal television.
The poor puppet took his place behind Saddam Hussein's podium, burdened with the weight of microphones from almost every world news organization, to proffer his daily disinformation report of the overwhelming failure and hopelessness of the joint coalition military force's effort. He worked harder than David Hasselhoff holding in his stomach as he struggled to keep his face straight while slinging staccato insults, vitiate parodies and threats of everything from melting eyeballs to camel lice.
Poor Bob. Forever labeled as the world's most prolific, buffoon, trash talker that was heard around the world. Dismissed by many. Forgotten by still more. Big talk, big threats, no substance. As a Texan might say, "big hat, no cattle". Why? Because some still believe that intimidation works on the strong.
In a way, e-punks and e-thugs are our Baghdad Bob. Full of misplaced bravado, energy and ability, they hurl their barage of abbreviated insolence, arrogance and saracasim at us with the full expectancy we'll cut and run. It's good to know that the best of the best don't stop being who they are because a few kiddies think its fashionable to regularly step up to the forum microphone and proffer their "report". Unfortunately for them, like Baghdad Bob, the moment is swift, the lime light brief and the tainted reputation longlasting.
Contrary to the 'Baghdad Bobs', who troll the forums lamenting against Nexon, the Combat gaming community continues to flourish with good people who make the game environment what it is today; fun, a great place to make friends and clean rooms within which to play. But, you have to make it happen. You wouldn't go visiting people randomly in their homes without low expectations, so choose your rooms carefully and with players you know are clean and fun to play with.
See you on the battlefield!