the color barrier

King Ad. Rock

New Member
so i had a guest speaker at school yesterday, a minister, and he basically wanted us to donate to various charities, and he gave a speech

he was throwing a fit about how black babies die because they have no food or healthcare

this pissed me off, and i raised my hand to comment on what he just said

i asked him if its only black babies that die from malnourishment, he dodged the question and basically said yes thats the only people who die from malnourishment, because the families are black and cant get as good of a job as white people, and tried to put the heat on me like i was being racist

i cant stand this shit, i speak up, and say not only black people are poor, theres tons of different ethnicities that have poor people, and im a racist? i cant stand how black people can get away with saying ANYTHING about race, but i mention theres other people besides blacks that are poor and dying and im a fucking racist


New Member
You can be comforted that you are right. There are children dieing all over the world from malnourishment and as we all know, they are of different races. I don't think you're racist at all. I think you were trying to point out that the speaker was biased. Note that I used the word biased and not racist.

So on the more somber discussion of malnourishment, I want you to know that 34000 children die every day from it. Keep that in mind when you turn the channel because another damn unicef commercial is on.


New Member
Look, what you have to remember is that any speaker that comes to a public school has an agenda of their own they are trying to push. They are not designed to give you the right answers, they are designed to give you different points of view. I don't agree with what that guy said, but you'll find the more you go through life, the more often that is going to happen.


New Member
Welcome to my world. I work for the board of ed in an inner city school district. You people can't imagine the shit I have to put up with. I should make a video of some of the things I go through in a day's work. Then I would bet some of your point of views would change about racism.


New Member
keisorsoze said:
Welcome to my world. I work for the board of ed in an inner city school district. You people can't imagine the shit I have to put up with. I should make a video of some of the things I go through in a day's work. Then I would bet some of your point of views would change about racism.

my dad fired a lady once because she wasn't qualified, she was also black. so she sued...saying that he fired her cause she was black. my dad works for the Depart. of Defense so YOUR tax-dollars were used to pay over 100,000 dollars in court fees just to get that bitch of my dad's back. oh...instead of finding my dad guilty of racism the court found out that she completely smudged her resume. we knew that was the true story all along but instead of going quietly she had to pull some shit like that. I think that if everyone stops trying to "cradle" all of the minorities, then we wouldn't have a god-damn race problem at all. you can't heal a wound if it is constantly re-opened.


New Member
Racism is stupid, so is Affirmative Action, the most qualified person who would be the best man/woman for the job should be hired, plain and simple.


New Member
i wonder what color skin will evolve itself into the next time...for all the gay ppl it should turn pink at birth so theres no more closet problems..and all these fucks having surgical procedures will still be a pink muthafukr


New Member
DiLLa said:
i wonder what color skin will evolve itself into the next time...for all the gay ppl it should turn pink at birth so theres no more closet problems..and all these fucks having surgical procedures will still be a pink muthafukr

ROFLMAO COPTERS!! i agree, that would help enormously. pink people!!