The wii that prints money



New Member
i've seen this pic berfore... its a gif* that has money come out of the guys mouth and his wii... its pretty funny when the gif* is actually working


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
i'm not sure if i understand that.....Is it a play on the fact that nintendo has made tons of money from the wii? Or is it just a funny pic?

It is supposed to play on the fact that Nintendo have earnt alot.

But no it's not very funny


New Member
cloudzero45 said:
i've seen this pic berfore... its a gif* that has money come out of the guys mouth and his wii... its pretty funny when the gif* is actually working
if you click on the picture when you go to the site it does what you say it does


New Member
UltraH4XR said:
this one is just an edit of the DS pic

The wii one looks way better though. At least it looks like it might print money. The DS one, first of all, isn't a GIF, and second of all, doesn't look right because the money seems to be coming out of his hand.