Hello and greetings
Im Jo, 17 year old male singer from Norway.
I go to High school, where I study music.
I started enjoying Nintendo when I was about tree or four.
My older brother had gotten the NES for his forth birthday (this was a year before i was bourn), and when I turned tree/four, I started playing Mario, and really loved it. When i was eight, my mother won a Game Boy Color on a radioshow, and so I had a new nintendo machine I could play with. This was about the same time that pokémon was a really big thing. So, for my ninth birthday (26th of February) i got Pokémon Blue edition. I was hocked. And in some ways, I still am. So, when i turend 12, I bought the Nintendo 64, which ended up beeing stupid, because the only game i had was the Mario 64 game, and a few months after, they released the Gamecube. I also ended up with Zelda Majoras Mask. When i turned 14, i bought the Gamecube (the last one in the store), and "The Sims" (which sux bigtime
). It's one week since i bought my preciuos Wii in Denmark (I was on vacation) because the shop in the nearest city was not going to get a Wii in stock before after Christmas this year.
soo, enough about all'o my Nintendo stuff.
I also enjoy singing.
My big plan is to give out a couple of CD's, but it wont happen in many years, because I have School, and I have to lear the basics (you know, like how to sing right and stuff).. Even though i need to learn the Basics, i Know how to sing, and i dont mean to brag, but alott of my friends think im really good, even though i dont think so..
but, enough about me..!!
And, sorry for my bad English...
But i hope u all understand what i've written about myself...
If not, just ask me..!!
Im Jo, 17 year old male singer from Norway.
I go to High school, where I study music.
I started enjoying Nintendo when I was about tree or four.
My older brother had gotten the NES for his forth birthday (this was a year before i was bourn), and when I turned tree/four, I started playing Mario, and really loved it. When i was eight, my mother won a Game Boy Color on a radioshow, and so I had a new nintendo machine I could play with. This was about the same time that pokémon was a really big thing. So, for my ninth birthday (26th of February) i got Pokémon Blue edition. I was hocked. And in some ways, I still am. So, when i turend 12, I bought the Nintendo 64, which ended up beeing stupid, because the only game i had was the Mario 64 game, and a few months after, they released the Gamecube. I also ended up with Zelda Majoras Mask. When i turned 14, i bought the Gamecube (the last one in the store), and "The Sims" (which sux bigtime
soo, enough about all'o my Nintendo stuff.
I also enjoy singing.
My big plan is to give out a couple of CD's, but it wont happen in many years, because I have School, and I have to lear the basics (you know, like how to sing right and stuff).. Even though i need to learn the Basics, i Know how to sing, and i dont mean to brag, but alott of my friends think im really good, even though i dont think so..
but, enough about me..!!
And, sorry for my bad English...
But i hope u all understand what i've written about myself...
If not, just ask me..!!