This is why I don't live in Oklahoma.



New Member
fuckin idiots get exatid from explotions,tell them to come to israel and see ppl flying from the bus windows when the terorists hit us and im sure they would not want to see explotions any more.
i gusse that some of the homos in the usa live too good that they get bored,the humain mind is fucked up sometimes.


New Member
that shit rocks I think thats a camp that is done every summer. The drill instructor from full metal jacket was doing the interview. He was in the marines by the way. anyway they have all kinds of cool shit going on there.


New Member
There are so many things with this fucking video
1. Biggest waste of fucking ammo ever shooting cars that exploded oh boy.
2. the fact that people in this country becoming intrested at anything once it blows up and thats really saying something
Wow is that really what people do for entertainment because thats depressing


New Member

Ok, first of all, shooting is quite fun, however this video pushes it to the extreme, especially with that little kid just wow, but, we have fun days of shooting up here every now and then, keeps the guns in tune, and the users in tune also if ever the need should arise to use them, plus, being a good shot takes practice, its not something u can just "pick-up" unless its a pistol at 5 feet of range.



New Member
Before I die I want to shoot a minigun. I saw one part of the vid where someone was shooting one. You can hear the constant sound of it while the dust rises. That gun is way 1337. Just like the one Jesse Ventura has in Predator.

Animal Mother

New Member
SuXoR said:
Before I die I want to shoot a minigun. I saw one part of the vid where someone was shooting one. You can hear the constant sound of it while the dust rises. That gun is way 1337. Just like the one Jesse Ventura has in Predator.

Nah man i want fly an A10 Warthog one day, it's got the baddest gatling gun on it - the GAU8 Avenger