Trading Selling STEAM Account!! 4 PAID GAMES+ Minecraft


New Member
I have my steam account which i'm not very satisfied with and i either want to sell it or trade it. If you want to trade, i am interested in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas or GTA IV(With DLCS), Any games in Half Life series(Must have episodes or original Half Life+HL2) And Garry's mod. I also am going for Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas(DLCS). If you have any of these games you have a good chance of getting my Account. I have Left 4 Dead 2, Metro 2033, PAYDAY: The Heist, and the Basement Collection. I also have a Minecraft account but i won't let it go easily. If you have Mafia 2 and Half life 1/2 i Will instantly accept for either account(Minecraft/Steam) Skype: datminer123