

New Member

What else is there to say what the title doesn't say? Do you have any plans on Valentine?

Valentine is just a day to snatch people's money. I ignore it completely. - Elianne, a friend.​

I, personally, have nothing planned for Valentine. Chances are likely I'll be going out to eat, but that's with a guy (seriously! We always go out on wednesday to grab a bite to eat) and I'm straight (and because of a hilarious - yet harsh - joke) I'm pretty sure he is too.
Besides that, there are a few people who I'd want to take out for something to eat just because it is Valentine though. The only problem is that one of them living on the other side of the country, the other has to work in the evening and the other one needs to hurry home to her boyfriend.
No one may expect a present for me either. After my a little too eager Christmas (yeah, I know) shopping, I'm still quite broke. Not to mention that I still have a Christmas present for someone right next to me, simply because I haven't seen her for some time.

"Valentine is boring, but I can't ignore it. It's on the same day as my birthday." - Boachra, a classmate.​

The good point of the day, however, is that this day is excellent for the type of humor three friends and I posses. You can count on it that tomorrow will be completely hilarious. Besides that, I have a feeling one of those three guys will be 'flirting' with my Dutch-teacher. =P Hey, I mean, she's only one year older than the oldest of us four.

"I have a date!" - Erik, a friend.​

I can't say I have been looking forward to this day though. A few days ago I asked a friend of mine to help me buy a present for a girl's birthday. He immediately assumed that it was for Valentine and therefore asked me if it was "for the 14th of February?" Being slightly bad with dates (especially non-important ones) I asked if it was similar to 9/11, which he immediately thought it was a joke. It took about five to seven minutes of explaining that I really didn't have a clue what he was talking about and I didn't have my agenda around at the time. If he hasn't told me that Valentine was on the 14th, I surely would have forgotten it - no one even mentioned it.

Of course! I got a date with my Dreft bottle. - Martijn, a friend.​

But in truth, I will send a few text messages and/or sms' to some people, just like I did last year. The people who care least about Valentine usually gets a message from me, just like I did last year. The reaction of them when you see them the next day, or next time is always memorable. But that counts for a lot of other things as well, I must admit.
I will, however, not be calling anyone. I have a very serious problem of calling people by phone, which bothers me intensively. I'm not sure where it originally comes from - just like I'm not sure where my fear for clowns originally comes from - but I do know that I am very bothered by it and have been for at the very least five years. Ironically enough, one of my best friends has the same problem, which was quite hard to keep contact back in the times when not everyone had internet just yet.

"Valentine is nonsense." - Fladian Lince​

Now I am curious if you guys have any plans on the 14th of February. Whatever it might be, feel free to share.


New Member
I may not be around that much as you all know but, yea im definely busy on Valentine's day, gotta go out with my bf, and do a bunch of other stuff and get some presents for my gf's and like useual im on and off as they say, i havent talked on here for awhile now oh well. But anyway hello and yes i got plans.


New Member
I don't really think about it much, "Meh". All our school sells on Valentines Day is really high priced "special" valentines things. And everything gets decorated... It really is a way to snatch up your money at my school.


New Member
Hmm... the school doesn't do anything in particular here. The only action they are holding this year (I don't remember what they did last, or the year before that one) is that you can pay 1,50 euro to buy a rose and let it be delivered during class. Nice, but too expensive for my taste. The only good use of it (in my case) would be for yet another joke. My 'chaotic' teacher complained about the price last monday.


New Member
And then there's the religious story of "Saint Valentine" getting excecuted for marrying in "the holy light of god". *sigh* My school is too religiousy.


New Member
i dont really do anything ever on valentines day except talk about how stupid it is, most people dont celebrate it just act as if they do


New Member
valentine was a, pretty crazy, priest that married gay couples,
underaged children, people without the agreement of their parents...
He was indeed executed. Its weird that america would celebrate a pro gay guy :) Well all in good fun when your making money.

to quote a friend of mine "Love is like beer, its fun at the moment, but after a while... wow the floor is really close to my face."


New Member
valentine was a, pretty crazy, priest that married gay couples,
underaged children, people without the agreement of their parents...
He was indeed executed. Its weird that america would celebrate a pro gay guy :) Well all in good fun when your making money.
Doesn't sound too odd to me. Don't we, in the Netherlands, have a day too to celebrate the homosexuals? The gay parade and Rose Tilburg (or something like that, 'Pink Tilburg') comes to mind. I kinda support these things, so I really have nothing against it. As long as people don't expect me to buy stuff so early after Christmas. With no solid income, it's kind of hard to make up for the tremendous losses of my Christmas shopping.

to quote a friend of mine "Love is like beer, its fun at the moment, but after a while... wow the floor is really close to my face."
Quote of the Day Archive:
19/09/06 "'Being in love' disappears after a year. If you still care as much as before, then it's real love. And I'm together with Jeroen for two years now and I still love him." - Bianca, girlfriend of a friend.

So, no, I don't really agree with your friend there.

Valentine seems to have been rather disappointing for me this year. Where I prepared a couple of jokes, none of them were able to be used today because of the absence of a few good friends of mine and the fact that two other friends didn't show up at the Central station. But still, there were a couple of nice jokes from other people that sure were worth laughing about.
The question if the Devil's Advocate bought roses for his girlfriend was one of the memorable ones. ("Of course not! Just joking. Yes, I did buy some. I bought one hundrerd roses for her with discount. You see, she works at a place where you can buy flowers." Typical) But on the other hand, I didn't really expect anything else of him ("Your humor is sickening." - Anne, his classmate).

What probably did ignite my interest was that most roses that were scattered around the school were from girls to girls. Even though this isn't much of a surprise in general, I cannot name a single guy who bought a rose. Well, with one exception that is. Franklin did buy one, (with MY money!) so two girls would get in a fight together ("I thought you bought me one." - "No, I didn't mean what I said to you. But on the other hand, I didn't mean what I said to her either."), which I'm not sure if he was successful in.

One of the largest disappointments of them all were that the five people who are the source of jokes of the people I hang out with were all not in-form. Well, one of them was... a bit. But it took till noon until he got loose. Before that time he was still mad that his girlfriend, mother and someone else I don't know went skieng (skie) without him - and he had to stay behind because it was going to be busy at work. The other one has been out of shape for a while now and the third was absent for a reason I'm not sure. Martijn covered for her saying she "was injured." After I enquired what she had at Martijn, I got the usual answer. "She fell from the stairs. The floor was slippery because of Dreft and she fell on a high number of cucumbers." What really happened with her, I'm not sure. But I'm pretty sure I missed her the most. I barely saw the fourth person at school today, so I can't comment much about him. He didn't want to get a sandwich after school either - and when I look back on it, I shouldn't have either; I bite my lip three times in a row.

Come to think of it, I said that I saw no guy giving a rose to a girl today with an exception of Franklin, I must correct myself here. After Franklin gave a rose to one of my classmates, another classmate of mine got slightly pissed at him (increase of laughter =P). Understandable too considering the situation. Because of a reason I'm not too sure of, my law-teacher (aka. Mr Chaotic) gave the other girl his rose (the one he received from a girl I don't know).

I mentioned someone before that people draw conclusions faster and faster lately. A little while ago, two classmates concluded that I liked another classmate of mine, which is quite akward as I can't remember anything pointing to that, except a misunderstanding of words. (Now, come on, you must agree with me that it's funny to go and see a friend of yours working at the McDonalds =P) Today someone else concluded that I'm the boyfriend of a girl from another class, whom I barely know. Funny, but I've decided not to react. Ironically enough no one even bothers to mention anything about someone I do care about, which really is a lot more obvious... but that's a different subject.

On a side note, with an average age of twentyone (or twentytwo, I'm not sure) of the people I hang out with (including myself; excluding Erik, who recently quit school), it might be worth mentioning how much fun you can have with a puzzle directed at children of 5 years and younger. =P I'm sure we've played with that puzzle for at least ten minutes with the five of us. ("What does a pig say? Squeek? No.") But on the other hand, in the past we've had a loads of fun with a cucumber too and a bottle of dish-washing fluid, which is probably the joke of the 2006.

All in all, a very disappointing day. I expected much more from it, which never really came. But on the other hand, I might have a date for tomorrow, so... I can't say it was a complete failure. Still, it was far below the average wednesday - which is definitely the funnest day of the week for me.


New Member
didnt want to read all that but he meant that saying america for the most part is anti-gay which actually isnt true just our powers like congress supreme justices and president... did u know that dick cheneys own daughter is a lesbian? yeah that kind of amuses me but that is a good quote i also like love is like a glass of water, when you have it it is full and when you dont it just got knocked over by a 2 yr old :)... just made that up lol


New Member
Valentine is coming up again. Any one got plans for it this time?

Personally I don't have much... according to my agenda I need to call five girl-friends, which two of them is because of their birthday (it's their birthday on Valentine's day). The other two probably know that I'm going to call them... I stalk them more than enough as it is. :wink:

But no concrete plans to do anything special...