Nice Omni...
It is amazing. Nearly 100 years ago people witnessed the industrialization of out nation and birth of the wealth that follows visionaries who lead, innovate, and act at the right place and time. We are witnessing the same in our lifetime with the digital revolution. Consider the google guys who just bought a pimped out commercial airliner to cruise around in. My hat is off to those who generate wealth with virtually no investment other than time, hard work, and imagination. They are truly the 1337 of our time. Sure most of us go to school, then college, get in debt, get a job and live average, but comfortable lives. People like in the article say F that, and they make 6 or 7 figures by the time most of us can afford a new car. Omni, If you are on that road then kudos to you. I wish you luck in all of your endeavors. If you hit it big, just don't forget your favorite pet project... Punx!