It looks like the ammo is the Federal Hydrashock. If it is indeed the hydrashock, it a projectile of hollow point design, but the point that you see in the middle of the hollow point gives it away. Rather than being constructed of a piece of lead with a copper jacket swaged around it, it is a lead coated copper cup with lead pellets inside of it. The point inside of the hollow point initiates the dispersion of the pellets upon impact.
These bullets were developed primarily for law enforcement due to several factors. Since the bullet contains the small pellets, if a target is missed, the small pellets have low mass and do not retain a great deal of kinetic energy, so the issue of a richochet (sp?) is greatly reduced minimizing collateral damage. Also the design of the bullet produces rapid expansion within the target, with relatively low penetration. Again, this is due to the low mass of the pellets. It doesn't do any good if the bullet overpenetrates and kills someone behind the target.
But maybe I was seeing something that wasn't there. Am I right?
Anyway, nice rig man.