omni: to say get'em and ask ema 4 nipplz pics
pupp: to ban and browbeat all comers
worm: to speed read braille and lock threads
inebr: to torture cats and laugh
eggs/blz: to mew and mew1
dirty/deli: to finger the face
digi: to make movies
billy: to get banned
ab: to say hey ya shoot me more, yah here cm'on shoot me more
intro: to commune with weed
cel: to imitate bill clinton
dilla: has no particular skills, sorry, oh wait make corned beef hash
mach: to defend l3 to the death
fox: to take care of boxes
pupp: to ban and browbeat all comers
worm: to speed read braille and lock threads
inebr: to torture cats and laugh
eggs/blz: to mew and mew1
dirty/deli: to finger the face
digi: to make movies
billy: to get banned
ab: to say hey ya shoot me more, yah here cm'on shoot me more
intro: to commune with weed
cel: to imitate bill clinton
dilla: has no particular skills, sorry, oh wait make corned beef hash
mach: to defend l3 to the death
fox: to take care of boxes