which console...


New Member
...do you play the most on? myself i have a ds a wii and a xbox 360. i found that i play way more on my xbox, while i only have like 5 games for it and at least the double on my wii. im a gamer and the wii is more against the booredom in my eyes. so...what about you? do u play ur wii more then ur PS3 or xbox? or u only do have a wii? or do you love to play on ur handheld??



New Member
well the consoles/portables i have are a wii and psp.

i normally play my wii more just because i have better games for it.
i mainly just use my psp for journeys although i have been playing god of war recently.

if i had an xbox i'd probably play that alot just because of the good online games and community.


New Member
My wii, though as of late I have been playing my X360 quite a bit since I got Assasin's Creed. Love. That. Game.

I just have some of my favorite games on the Wii; including Okami, Harvest Moon: TOT, and Brawl.

But, I recently got GameFly and most of the games on my GameQ are on the PS2, I expect I'll be using that one a LOT.... maybe I should get a new memory card, I only have about 4k kb's. << >>