Who wants to play?

The Master

New Member
So here is a game, I will post a word, and then the next poster posts a word that has something to do with the word I posted, and so on.



New Member
hey njirra can you email me the manga? my email is alucard0987654321@hotmail.com .lol i remember when i first saw that anime my friend only bough vol. 1. after we saw it we liked it so much we ended up going to about 26 stores looking for vol. 2. it was nowhere to be found. but we did frind stores with like 5 copies of the other ones.lol



New Member
well we eventually did get the other volumes but we had to wait a week for my friend to go to his mom's house because there are a lot of anime stores there. we didn't go on ebay becuase when we watched we decided we wanted the next volumes ASAP. it was awesome to because the first time we watched it was on my big screen tv with like 8 speaker surround sound plus a massive bass.
