WiiPaint v1
Kontakatilu from has released WiiPaint 1.0. WiiPaint 1.0 is a MSPaint clone that uses the Wii Controller. Source code is included.
Kontakatilu from has released WiiPaint 1.0. WiiPaint 1.0 is a MSPaint clone that uses the Wii Controller. Source code is included.

Update: WiiPaint 1.0 sources commented
Hello, here I leave with you the last homebrew I made. The graphic appearance is not very good and that has some other bug. But more or less is what we tried to achieve.
This is a program to draw in the game, only that smile_
I used the libraries GRRLIB 2.0 modificandolas a bit, but certainly not lack haria but so what I have seen more simple.
Soon put sources commented, for people to see as I have done and learn to make your own homebrew.
Porcierto he changed dichosa source of the screen wiimote of synch, which already had well … I hope you like, if I can help with something here I am.
– Updates:
And I uploaded of the sources commented for anyone who wants to see how it is done and every function, and can give free rein to their creations smile_
Again I point out that the libraries that are included GRRLIB 2.0 (file grrlib.c grrlib.h), are modified with dual functions, which would have two bufferes get one for the background screen where it draws and one for the main where we hand, and so one does not erase the other. I repeat that is the only way in my view that I have found to do this, since I have no knowledge of programming in C.
For those lien when they see so many files and not find the source code is on file main.c this in the source folder, so you have no excuse and smile_
Come greetings, if I have you and I encourage any more pendentive.
Download here
Link and Link
Hello, here I leave with you the last homebrew I made. The graphic appearance is not very good and that has some other bug. But more or less is what we tried to achieve.
This is a program to draw in the game, only that smile_
I used the libraries GRRLIB 2.0 modificandolas a bit, but certainly not lack haria but so what I have seen more simple.
Soon put sources commented, for people to see as I have done and learn to make your own homebrew.
Porcierto he changed dichosa source of the screen wiimote of synch, which already had well … I hope you like, if I can help with something here I am.
– Updates:
And I uploaded of the sources commented for anyone who wants to see how it is done and every function, and can give free rein to their creations smile_
Again I point out that the libraries that are included GRRLIB 2.0 (file grrlib.c grrlib.h), are modified with dual functions, which would have two bufferes get one for the background screen where it draws and one for the main where we hand, and so one does not erase the other. I repeat that is the only way in my view that I have found to do this, since I have no knowledge of programming in C.
For those lien when they see so many files and not find the source code is on file main.c this in the source folder, so you have no excuse and smile_
Come greetings, if I have you and I encourage any more pendentive.
Download here
Link and Link