DiLLa said:
RaNcid said:
and what makes you think ur the expert on what a fag is?!
I believe =RANCIDPUNX= is a fag.
The obvious inability to arrange nouns like rancid (which could also be an adjective) and punx to form the correct phrase "PUNX RANCID", which is the most accepted use of the terms, is more likely to attract other male players 10 to 1. The use of the equals sign to at the beginning and the end signifies homosexual gaming representation of Equal Rights for the Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, and Lesbian. Since the name is rather masculine, one can safely assume it belongs to a male. Having the name in all capital letters shows the person's desire for attention. This player probably often calls other players a "fag" for the fact of testing the waters, so to speak. Judging the reaction of those he called a homosexual male he can begin the courting process.
=RANCIDPUNX= is indeed a Fag.