Window media player problems

Celshock MP5

New Member
Well I think I may have deleted something that was important to media player but I'm not entirely sure. Media players 'Now Playing' will not work. Also if I dl a video for media player and try to watch the video it opens media player then closes the window immediately. I tried dl'ing media player from microsoft to see if that would fix it, but it didnt. Is there something else I need in my pc to run media player videos?? If I did delete it, the program deleted had no affect on anything else I have on my pc. Quicktime still works just fine. Any help is appreciated.

Celshock MP5

New Member
still wont work even after uninstalling and installing. Neither will my msn messenger, just found that out. It does the same thing that media player does it opens then closes immediately


New Member
Replicate the problem. Go to RUN and type eventvwr and click OK. There should be an event listed for the time that you just made it happen. Put the text of that error in a post along with the Event number and the SOURCE name.

Celshock MP5

New Member
ok heres what I got
Name Type Description
Application Log Application Error Records

Source WinMgmt Event : 47

It has four of these from where I tried to get into my msn messenger 4 times I guess.

Celshock MP5

New Member
come on dudes help me out. I was thinking about reformatting my pc. But not right now. So basically msn messenger wont work and neither will my media flashplayer.