

New Member
im looking at a few different versions of windows. and i see a few different 'lite' versions, i was jsut wondering if anyuone has any exp with lite versions of windows.

if its faster than i may consider setting my 2nd HD up with a lite version purely for gaming while i keep my current setup for other uses.

thoughts or advice?


New Member
as moderators we are not supposed to delete posts. however i made a exception due to the lack of information about a topic i really need help with.


New Member
well actaully microsoft released a xp lite that was supposed to counter linux in some asian markets, however it sucked and linux being better survived.

but im talking about 3rd party versions, i have downloaded a version custom made by someone. they claim it runs/loads faster.

im installing it on my 2nd HD so ill keep you all posted on the results


New Member
I think you're talking about WINPE. It is designed for making custom installations and is based on a stripped down version of Windows XP. I've created my own custom version for loading an OS when the original installation just won't cooperate at all. If the word WINPE sounds familiar to you and is what you have, don't waste your time. It isn't what you think. It is so limited that most features are disabled or not there at all.


New Member
negative its not a program to customize windows, its a version of windows that was edited to improve performance, my install will be done within the hour hopefully ill let you know what happens.


New Member
so far the load/shutdown speed of windows, how fast it loads programs(had to tell waiting on CZ for the real test), and it seems to ahve improved my availible bandwidth.

ive never gotten over 3.2 mbps on a speed test but i am consistantly getting 4.5

and i jsut downloaded a prgram at 730kps i dotn knwo about you guys but that is a cable and that is fast as hell