The following information was written by Googlebot:
"Wouldn't it be nice to look up a players stats on the combat arms website and it told you right on their profile whether or not they were a cheater? And at the same time it also listed all of the times they have been reported with links to proof right next to it? Or how about if it detected their K/D being 42.37 and automatically added them to the list? Maybe if even before a clan match you could search the clan name you were going up against and have it return all of its players that have been reported for abusing the game?
Well over at, that is exactly what we have done but, we need your help to make it work. We have devised a database to be used in an attempt to compile and maintain a searchable listing of all that choose to abuse the game and get caught. In short it is a ban list but, not just your ordinary random list created by some dude. This one is created and maintained by you the community and it doesn't stop there.
It also features the ability to scan player stats and automatically add them to the database should they exceed certain limits. This will happen whenever a player is searched and not found to already be in the database or their stats are viewed directly.
Below is a link to a player cheater who was used to test this feature. At the top you will notice all of the reports they have in the database. In this case they were added by the website itself when i viewed this players stats the other night. At the time they had a very high K/D Ratio which you can see logged in the reports. Now it is much lower however still doubtfully unattainable. Beside some of the stats you may also see some red flags. The stat scan is currently disabled but, if it wasn't, the stats that are flagged would be automatically added to the database should they be worse than any stats already logged.
For this test, the limits on the stats were set very high and are now disabled because, we want the communities input on what these unattainable stat limits should be. So this brings me here introducing the new Community Ban List and asking for your help to make it become a useful utility that benefits everyone else in the community. Except of course the cheaters, glitchers and other exploiters of the game.
Not only do we need your input but, we also need your help to populate the database by reporting individuals into it. To make it easier a feature was added to generate a report that can be easily copy and pasted onto this forums abuse section. Thus if you report them on the CBL first it makes reporting them here a snap.
I'm waiting till i have it in my possession to make it official but, there may be some prizes awarded to those that report or make the most reports by a certain date. Hint: You may want to get a head start. Please visit the forums to voice your opinion and/or offer your help. Also check info page for staff and other info.
Thank you for your time and support."
CaC Online Affiliate
We are currently seeking a staff to assist us in managing this banlist system. For more information visit
"Wouldn't it be nice to look up a players stats on the combat arms website and it told you right on their profile whether or not they were a cheater? And at the same time it also listed all of the times they have been reported with links to proof right next to it? Or how about if it detected their K/D being 42.37 and automatically added them to the list? Maybe if even before a clan match you could search the clan name you were going up against and have it return all of its players that have been reported for abusing the game?
Well over at, that is exactly what we have done but, we need your help to make it work. We have devised a database to be used in an attempt to compile and maintain a searchable listing of all that choose to abuse the game and get caught. In short it is a ban list but, not just your ordinary random list created by some dude. This one is created and maintained by you the community and it doesn't stop there.
It also features the ability to scan player stats and automatically add them to the database should they exceed certain limits. This will happen whenever a player is searched and not found to already be in the database or their stats are viewed directly.
Below is a link to a player cheater who was used to test this feature. At the top you will notice all of the reports they have in the database. In this case they were added by the website itself when i viewed this players stats the other night. At the time they had a very high K/D Ratio which you can see logged in the reports. Now it is much lower however still doubtfully unattainable. Beside some of the stats you may also see some red flags. The stat scan is currently disabled but, if it wasn't, the stats that are flagged would be automatically added to the database should they be worse than any stats already logged.
For this test, the limits on the stats were set very high and are now disabled because, we want the communities input on what these unattainable stat limits should be. So this brings me here introducing the new Community Ban List and asking for your help to make it become a useful utility that benefits everyone else in the community. Except of course the cheaters, glitchers and other exploiters of the game.
Not only do we need your input but, we also need your help to populate the database by reporting individuals into it. To make it easier a feature was added to generate a report that can be easily copy and pasted onto this forums abuse section. Thus if you report them on the CBL first it makes reporting them here a snap.
I'm waiting till i have it in my possession to make it official but, there may be some prizes awarded to those that report or make the most reports by a certain date. Hint: You may want to get a head start. Please visit the forums to voice your opinion and/or offer your help. Also check info page for staff and other info.
Thank you for your time and support."
CaC Online Affiliate
We are currently seeking a staff to assist us in managing this banlist system. For more information visit