Puppet said:
Omni should get Advertisement sponsors to take advantage of this. With as many hits as this site gets I can't imagine someone wouldn't be interested. I have looked at other clan sites and they don't get anywhere near the volume ours does.
Didn't you know that this has been Omni's goal from the beginning? To brand name punx. Pretty soon little boys and girls everywhere will playing with their Puppet action figures.
You'll see commercials on TV with kids playing with their Punx toys -
Little boy # 1(Dirty action figure) - "Gtfo!! Ema hax!!"
Little girl # 1(Ema action figure) - "No I don't! Go fuck yourself!! I'm leaving!"
Little boy # 2 (Holiday action figure) - "HAHAHA!!! U tell her!! Damn I'm high!! I'm gonna have to go and fuck some chickens"
Little boy # 3(Cel action figure) - "Baaaaaaaaaaahhhh..."
Little girl # 2(aurora action figure) - "Asumbnu chu guh....awoooooooooo"
The End