Super Six 4
It still is so far away for some of us![]()
yeah like me, I'm a...jesus, I forgot, its the sergeant with the two chevrons on the bottom, and Im #1 of it, srry, forgot the true name lol
It still is so far away for some of us![]()
dude, that made my day! I had a HUGE smile on my face and I got so caught up in my excitement that I started posting visitor messages announcing him being banned (although it happened a while before I logged on, but I didnt care, I was SO excited)
I hate people like him, just career flamers.
damn them to hell. lol
lol,,, agree, and your welcome... I was the one who got in an argument with him and won with reason and logic..(no cursing, just calm logical reason)... Moo told us to stop, which I did, but I p!ssd off Ilspirit so bad, he got banned... I so wish I had a copy of that thread... It was like my 4th post and I got that sicko banned.... lol
My best memory ? God, so many.
Asking to be a mod when I had joined like a week before - Back when Love was active and Roger and Love were the only mod's.
All the old people = jlkp or whatever his name was, Layzie, all of them. rawr, I miss them all.
I remember Spartan,and having allot of new members.
I found that thread the I wanna be a moderator thread.
I think the actualy turning point on CAF was the fact many members had stopped playing. Then we didn't actully talk much about it.
I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm hoping to play tomorrow, which will be the first time in about two months. Man, I haven't played without a black shemagh in a LONG time. I'll feel naked!
who's spartan?I remember Spartan too, he went off a little while after I got on I think
who's spartan?
Anyways, the old CAF was fun... this one is sh*t. My best moment was my war with illspirit... ahh good times
uh...not you, but I forgot the name-had spartan in it and some numbers I think, but forgot the rest.
Illspirit-(prop. n.) a f***ing b***h and flamer s**t that fails at life and hates people.
^^^^his unofficial dictionary definition.
Eh... i never really cared about Ill... me and him had our moments lol..
On one of my older threads that was in the CAF time.. he posted porn on page 100 and something . I love this thread because it was always so active and entertaining because more than 30 different people posted on it. We don't even have 30 active members anymore.
Lol... did i say page 100 something.. i mean post 100 somethinguh wrong one, theres only 24 pgs on that thread. If it's the thread I think you're thinking about, don't anymore.
Lol... did i say page 100 something.. i mean post 100 something