1 Corinthians 13:11


New Member
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.


New Member
Nahh... I was reading this one day.. and it made me wonder...

Anathema Maranatha

Since I cant give up my childish ways I guess I will be forced to repeat it over and over...



New Member
I remember this when i was younger, i think i was in middle school..they talked about it for like an hour..yeah...thats all i remember the end.

ps.no one ever gives up their childish ways,it's impossible unless you erase your past =/


New Member
There is a difference between childish and childhood. While everyone retains certains aspects of the "inner kid", most people buck childish behavior. The most enjoyable people I have known in my life have the ability to retain some kid-like qualities that are endearing, but they do not come off in a childish way. They are very much grown up, but they hold a certain perspective from their youth that allows them to see the world in a positive light. I like that...I like it a lot.


New Member
1 PUPPET 11:13

When I was a child, dinosaurs roamed the earth, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became an old man, I bought a G15 keyboard and a mx518 game mouse and a 6mb connection and learned the meaning of an eye for an eye .


New Member
good choices puppet on hardware.

When I was a child I belived the earth was created in 7 days, and I was amazed by dinosaurs.

Later I realized that the holy book was writeen for what I consider childish understandings of science.

Not to knock that book but I realized we live in a time that surpassed that. What else have we surpassed?


New Member
yep. I don't know any kids that can afford a dual processor computer, mx518 mouse, 19 in ultrasharp monitor. (except those 12 year olds that manage it some times.)


New Member
i lived in a closet as a child.... the tall guy with the long ding dong still haunts my dreams; then i met Dilla... :twisted: and now i haunt his dreams :twisted:


New Member
Puppet said:
1 PUPPET 11:13

When I was a child, dinosaurs roamed the earth, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became an old man, I bought a G15 keyboard and a mx518 game mouse and a 6mb connection and learned the meaning of an eye for an eye .
