3 Team Mode


New Member
two teams are fun and moderatly chaotic but what about three!?!?! is this a good idea. i think it is. P.S. this mode will only be available on large maps (Grey Ham., Snow Valley, Rattlesnake, ect.


New Member
not neccessaraly. i mean. it still would be fun. also something i forgot to add, there should be more players allowed in a room.:)


Active Member
8v8 is just controlled on big maps, 6v6v6 would be impossible..

Snow Valley is probably the only map that could handle 3 teams, any other map is designed specifically for 2 teams.


New Member
Well, other than the fact that you'd be going against more people yet still have teammates, there wouldn't be much of a difference in a 3-team game considering you're still killing anything that moves without a blue nametag floating above it. Unless it's capture the flag, but then that's going to be chaotic as hell.

But that would actually be kind of fun... o_O You could get two flags at once lol.

Oh, but then two teams could conspire and gangbang another team. :/ 12 vs 6, or 10 vs 5. Uncool, man.


New Member
wat about 8vs8vs8 ok
SnD bravo12 alpha 12 two alpah spawns close to their bomb sties and half of bravo on each side
umm you mean bravo , alpha and chaotic ? nah its cool with the modes we have , what we shoul have is a change to the flag colors of alpha and bravo .