Amazing Deals You got on Wii Stuff!

Well, share!

Last month, I saw Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam at Rogers Video, previously-played for only 5.99. I figured it'd be scratched beyond belief but I bought it anyhow. Turns out, yes there were scratches but it's nothing I can't fix. The game runs near perfectly! :eek:


New Member
Wii + 2 motes + Wii Sports+ Wii play + Gamecube/Wii compatable controller + Spiderman 3 the game all for 220 Euro (€)
Used or new, HH. And is it Downhill Jam or Proving Ground?

If it's the former, would you believe some places are still selling it for like 49.99/59.99 here in Canada. Absolutely ridiculous.