And now the Black mag...



New Member
Lolz, im a awsome L96 user, and i love using the Arctic Wolf. I wanna get the Black Magnum tho, it pwns all. (tried once, and instead i got a m4a1...... )


New Member
I've gotten every G36 variant known to man when I bought the MYST-Ns.

G36C,KE,Valk and normal I think...

AK-103 Gold Plated and AK-103

I've used the Black Mag. It's effectively a perfectly accurate Magnum.

It's too good.


New Member
Or if someone gifts you a supply case or arctic wolf then you can practically get them for free... but I doubt people will gift you stuff like that unless you are a legend... like Emnesty who gets free stuff basically all the time because of his sniping skills