Best sniper rifle?


New Member
I personally like the sr25 & the m24, for price and power& fire rates

what do u guys think is the best sniper for cost, accuracy, fire rate, etc?


New Member
The best? The SR-25. It's fire rate is good, every bullet I fire hits the mark, and it's cheap IMO compared to the L96. More importantly, you don't get called a noob for it.


New Member
L96 is one-shot kills, but the most inaccurate and bolt-action.
SR-25 is two-shot kills, accurate, and semi-automatic.

Personally, I use the both, depending on map, situation, etc. L96 is great for smaller maps and holding down a side of a map because of the one-shot kills, but the SR-25 is great for larger maps. It's all personal opinion.


New Member
Yes, but remember, ALL sniper rifles kill in one shot to the head. So really, master any one sniper rifle and it will hold steady for you in every sniper based situation you have. Therefore, if you're looking for a sniper rifle, and you have a good amount of cash (or the time to steal others sniper rifles), go out and try the L96, M24, and SR-25. These 3 rifles are basically the representatives of which sniper class you want. The L96? One Shot, One Kill. The SR-25? Accurate Semi-Autos. The M24? The most accurate gun on the market, which shows the sniper has skill and class. Where you aim, it hits. Very unfriendly towards novice snipers, however, with it's bolt action.


New Member
The M24 is better than the SR25, as it is much more accurate and is much more reliable. However, it is a tricky sniper rifle to wield. The reason being, well, it's a 2hit kill bolt action. It takes skill, practice and class to pull off using this gun. However, with a little practice, you can master this sniper, and get headshots every time. However, that's really the only reason to pull out this sniper rifle. It's a headshot machine. It otherwise takes far too long to kill someone. Therefore, if you don't play CA frequently, or if you want something with a high accuracy and a much more potent rifle, go with the SR-25. You'll just have to pump 2 bullets into your enemy's chest, which is easy because it's semiauto and you don't have to rezoom your scope. Remember, if you ain't aiming for the head, don't buy the M24.


New Member
There was a post before with lots of info but I'll go ahead and retype up my thoughts..

First off, not everyone has the same playstyle. Some are a little quicker on the trigger than others, while some have more patience so deciding which sniper rifle is better is dependent on who is using it. So with that said, i'll get into specifics.

The L96A1 is without a doubt the most powerful (obviously from the description) but the accuracy is pretty off from mid-long distance. Personally, this is my sniper rifle of choice because I like to rush and this gun is really easy to snap-shoot with.

The M24 is a decent sniper rifle contrary to many beliefs. It does weak damage but excellent for picking off those campers ducking behind sand bags. Def. more effective on large maps (waverider/snow valley) compared to the smaller ones which are more fast paced. I was trying this gun out again today and found that snap-shooting is a little bit harder but possible.

The SR-25 is a nice auto-sniper with high rate of fire and decent damage. It's a 2 shot kill weapon, but the rate of fire makes up for it; especially if you're quick on the trigger. I personally suggest this weapon over the MSG(can't think of the number atm)..

The MSG (other auto-sniper) is close to the SR25, but it does a little more damage with less rate of fire. In my opinion, the minor increase in damage isn't worth picking over the SR25. Even with the minor damage increase, the MSG is still a 2 shot kill weapon and with the slower rate of fire compared to the SR25, you have a higher chance of your target evading.

So getting back to the original posters question of which is the best? The simple answer is that there is no "best" in a general term. Each player has a sniper rifle they are better at; otherwise everyone would be using the same rifle.


New Member
Thanks for summing up what I was trying to get across! Yeah, I pretty much ignored the playing style thing and got down to the easiest to use.


New Member
Bah, m24 is simply plainly the BEST sniper rifle.
SR25 is horrible
- 3 shot kill for nub Heavy Vesters
-Horrible Accuracy
-anyone who pretty much uses just spams it?

-Ok good accuracy
-high recoil but FINE
-2 shot kill 1 shot kill at chest level for light vesters (DIE MEI)

-1 shot kill
- too inaccurate
-really random?

-low damage/rate of fire ratio
-too accurate!!!
- 7 rounds

M24 is simply the best, if you have patience. I have to say I hate people mocching off my hard earned kills but it happens.
Thats why I use it mainly SnD


New Member
Bah, m24 is simply plainly the BEST sniper rifle.
SR25 is horrible
- 3 shot kill for nub Heavy Vesters
-Horrible Accuracy
-anyone who pretty much uses just spams it?

-Ok good accuracy
-high recoil but FINE
-2 shot kill 1 shot kill at chest level for light vesters (DIE MEI)

-1 shot kill
- too inaccurate
-really random?

-low damage/rate of fire ratio
-too accurate!!!
- 7 rounds

M24 is simply the best, if you have patience. I have to say I hate people mocching off my hard earned kills but it happens.
Thats why I use it mainly SnD
Let me start off by saying that accuracy is void if you use your sniper rifle the way it was meant to be used. By that, I mean standing still, not moving around trying to get a quick scope or an L96 no scope. Doesn't take skill to do that. Another thing is that I have NEVER seen anyone spam the SR-25. Maybe I play with the right crowd, but still.


New Member
Combat Arms really isn't one of those fast-paced games that requires for you to be quick-scoping and jump-shooting with a sniper rifle. It's one of those "new"-still-needs-to-be-balanced Korean FPS games.

My first rifle was the L96 and I found it to be okay. I was satisfied with the fact that I can land a kill with a single shot and therefore hold one side of the map easily. However, the accuracy is really lousy once you get past mid-range and even if you're patient and aiming right on the dot, it will swerve off in a random direction most of the time. Coming off of CS:S, it was really hard to not quick-scope a guy. Seriously, if you try to quick-scope in Combat Arms you will screw yourself over most of the time.

My second and most favorite rifle is the M24. Mastering bolt action rifles is one of the easiest things ever. If you miss the headshot still land the hit, press Q or use your mouse scroll and pull out a SCAR or another automatic and single/burst shot until he's dead.

I agree with DeaFen0 about the quick-scoping and moving while shooting. Shooting just as you switch strafe directions won't work in Combat Arms. Moving is bad if you're sniping because of two reasons. One, the aim will be horrible. Two, you will only hear your footsteps and because footsteps are very indistinct in CA you won't hear anybody else.