Elite kick abusers. your take on this.


New Member
I see some pretty good elite and some sore losers, who abuses their kicking privileges. I was playing one time and i never glitch ( im too dumd to do that ) and never cheat ( to poor to buy cheat lol ). and and i am noob. just look at my kdr. but when you happeens to kill them 3 times the boot you out of the room. And they say you hack.

I am pretty annoyed with this.

whats your take on this, or your experience.



New Member
Yeah, and in clan wars. They will just kick you out because they are losing so its 4v1. I just avoid elite mod rooms all together.


Most Elite Moderators I see abuse their powers. I have seen good legit players being kicked for no reason. At least there are some that use their power right.


ill be honest,my clan leader (old clan) got elite and we made a room kicking anyone we pleased,but when we do clan matches were all serious though


New Member
yeah, totally agreed...elite mods are just as bad as hackers >.>...olny cuz they r sore losers and kick ne 1 who kills them


New Member
I say they just get rid of the elite mods. Most people who get it abuse it and the people that acually use it right don't get on all that much.


New Member
If somebody pays 6 dolla a week, I have no problem with what they do with it. If they want to kick to kick, oh well. There are still good elite mods out there, you just have to find them. I know a handful of my clan members have it and also some guys av played a lot with before also have it. I try to stick to those rooms bc I get kicked as soon as I join anybody elses room.


New Member
First off, if they pay 6$ a week to kick someone for no reason.. They dont have a life..

Second off, it would be more fair if they did it my way =p