Game Party Wii



New Member
ewww..... looks awful. They even snatched the idea of miis and you make your own here... why couldn't you be able to chose your own miis instead of creating new?

anyhow this looks like shit.


Active Member
I will go with what Danny said, I will just ignore this "waste of time".
3rd party companies seem to be trying a little to hard to make quality game's on the Wii.


New Member
This doesn't even look worthy enough for a Next-gen Console...

Basically it presents itself as a "rip-off item" like the commercials you see on TV...


New Member
So... I'm here to summarize everyone's posts:

"This game sucks"

Basically right? I'd want to laugh at anybody who got this... but that might actually get me in a bad situation... lol