Golden looking wii



New Member
lu1g1 said:
wow i cant believe i didnt see that.....
yeah some rich person should have their wii gold plated...would look pretty sweet
here are some gold plated video game systems....
the gameboy one costs £13,000 :O

i like the psp one.... that looks cool.... and i also like the gameboy.....:thumbup:


New Member
hockeyhero said:
lu1g1 said:
wow i cant believe i didnt see that.....
yeah some rich person should have their wii gold plated...would look pretty sweet
here are some gold plated video game systems....
the gameboy one costs £13,000 :O

i like the psp one.... that looks cool.... and i also like the gameboy.....:thumbup:

As stated earlier, are we still on the whole Wii part of this? If not, I think this should be moved :(