How did you find out about Combat Arms?



New Member
All because of an advertisment. I wanted to play something other than Wolfenstien Enemy Terriotry, cause I was getting bored of that game.


New Member
I played the Closed Beta for a week and it was fun. But now the recoil is managable and the grenades don't have red streaks behind them when they fly. It was a pain to get in it and the CCBs were random at best >_<.

They improved the game A LOT since then!


New Member
yeah i found out because i got bored of warrock and so i googled "free mmofps" and found a great site, where i saw this game and it looked the best so i went with it.


New Member
I was aware of CA for a while before I actually started playing it, watched several videos on youtube, saw the ads throughout the internet, finally decided to give it a go.


New Member
My big brother started playing Combat Arms for about a month then he stopped, He found out on a ad on After he stopped playing, I played on his account for like 2 weeks then I made my own. My big brotehr still plays Combat A rms but since he's in college he plays about once every month so yea. His IGN is Don_Eric. Yes his name is Eric. His K.D.R is very low because when I used to play I used to suck very much.


New Member

I found it out by a junk email i got from x fire and i went to the closed beata and i fell in love with it and i still play it as of now..... It reminds me of Cod4 + CounterStrike


New Member
ahh this story. i was playing maplestory and stuff looking 4 other games 2. then when i went onto i found out that they released combat arms in march...this was in the summer....