Humper With The Pumper


New Member
Humper With The Pumper


Ping between 300-500, making ridiculous shots considering his lag. Also saw multiple instances of jumping around corners and headshotting folks with no prior knowledge of them being there. Bunny was on as well and can probably further my claim.


New Member
the bunny does the juggernaut. lol!

but seriously. this cat was using pump shotty only on italy, 360 degree jumps and popped ppl in the face. on top of the fact that his shotty was firing a lot faster than a normal one.

ban the bitch!
fan the fire!
start a revolution!1!!!


New Member
I have a Word document that I keep the names and steam id's that you people mention here in the forums. I would like to think you are all experts on determining who is a hacker, but I doubt any of us can imply that with accuracy. So I keep this list for two reasons. One, you feel he's hacking so I would bet I would be suspicious of him too. We all seem to agree on certain players. Second, if they come back in with a different name then I can compare their steam to what you gave here.

Anyway, I didn't want you guys to think that your complaints were meeting deaf ears.


New Member
Soon I will start dribbling when I talk. Right....selfnote: Intro and intox are two different people. This will stay firmly seated in my memory until next time. :idea:


New Member
while i certainly wouldn't claim to be an expert at spotting hax, i can say with certainty that i've been playing this game for 5 years off and on. i've seen all manner of weird shit. and i've certainly seen enough legit players do their thing to notice when something isn't right.