I Use The UMP. Do You?



New Member
the ump is an okay gun for cloase quarters but other than that not really that great. ive used it like three times... its allright.


New Member
It's decent, but not great, but of course, that's just my opinion.
Base guns off of what YOU think, not what we think.
We're just giving out personal perspective, you need to create your own for you to officially know how much you like the weapon.


In my opinion, I find all SMG's to be weaker than the AR's and Snipers. The good thing about SMG's is if you are a spray and pray person, they are for you because of the extreme fire rate and low recoil. In the end, it is what you prefer.


New Member
UMP is good for places like Brush Wood, Junk Flea, and pretty much any close quarters place. Nothing like Snow Valley. SMG's are good for people with not that great aim or sprayers. I personally like the UMP but it's not that great.