If you wouldn't mind, could you please die?


New Member
Does this ever seem to happen to anyone else while in Death Room:

Two (ugh... sometimes more,) of your teammates are camping the doors while someone else is AFK in your respawn area. While they're doing that, one guy is usually by the stairs attempting to glitch, while some unfortunate guy is stuck fighting two or three guys upstairs. While this is going on you notice that there hasn't been any base raping going on so inevitably there must be at least four enemies on the other side of the doors. You see a few teammates respawn so you decide that this is as good a time as ever to rush through and clear out some opponents. Just when you think that you've got some covering fire, your teammate(s) decide to pull back, just in time that you're totally screwed because you're getting shot by multiple sides. After you get ripped apart faster than a thanksgiving turkey at Dr. Phil's house, you look in the kill cam to see that nobody even made an attempt tp help.

Basically I want to know if anybody has a good way to get your teammates to have your back. You'd think that on a small map like this you wouldn't need to worry, but it doesn't look that way to me.
Oh and yes, I try to help my teammates to play as a team, but it's not even remotely effective.

Jordan B

Active Member
Play with people you know . I play with the SectionEightClan guys , because they all know me .

And they are pro and always have their teams back .


Active Member
Lack of cooperation in teams is an all too common thing.. I find myself getter more angry at my own team then the other team.

Same kinda thing happened to me in junk flea.. One of my guys was camping our stairs.. the other was running out spamming nades to the other side even though all of them were camping our base and I was stuck fight 4 mofo's off by myself.. I got frustrated so I quit.


New Member
I have had that happen many times and I hate it... where all my team is running off in different directions.. Like bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies got throw in a Jenny Craig meeting... caotic mess. I will always pair up with someone... when they stop to get a look around after advancing.. I will move ahead and take the next TCP (Tactical Cover Position) then they will run about 10 ft to the next one...and so-forth.. a standard 2X2 advance. I never leave the spawn area alone. Most of them get it... some don't.


New Member

I play every Friday consistently with a group of friends. Kohul and Suligiv are almost as good as I am, so for the most part we cover eachother's back. But, we've been playing together for awhile now and there's still the occasional "Where the HELL were you? I thought you had my back!" "Oh. Sorry."

Sometimes, some lucky mother.... has the grace of God to be born a ninja and is therefore deigned to be ignored by everyone as he walks through the entire team, climbs the highest mountain, swims a goddamn ocean, all to knife you, the guy who's messing around with a sniper rifle shooting a barrel....in the back.

Bloody ninjas.


New Member
Lack of cooperation in teams is an all too common thing.. I find myself getter more angry at my own team then the other team.

Same kinda thing happened to me in junk flea.. One of my guys was camping our stairs.. the other was running out spamming nades to the other side even though all of them were camping our base and I was stuck fight 4 mofo's off by myself.. I got frustrated so I quit.

Man that happens all the time to me too. It's worse when there is somone on your team that went AFK, and the other team just starts killing him too. All he's doing is hurting the team.
I'm getting really frustrated too, I must swear at least like ten to twenty times a game. Either due to retarded people who somehow are under the impression that throwing a grenade at the tower in Snow Valley will kill someone at the top, or coming to the sad realization that the person that I thought had cover fire was trying to go around nade spamming.