Map's Maps 2.0


New Member
>_<; gah...going to have to get used to the HTMLlessness...
Anyway, I'm working on 2 new maps (which are actually good!) and thought I would show them to you people.
WARSCAPE ARENA (current version unknown)
I used to be able to give you the details of this, but X-Cronic-X is doing his part, and listening to him talk about Game Modes and advanced triggers has me feeling i dont know my own map. Ill repost this when IM working on it, k?

An RPG thats going to have a vague similarity to FFERPG, in that your hero has multiple classes.
The resemblance ends there, as far as i can tell
The Storylines going to be under quests, so dont bug me about it until i actually post a playable beta or something.
I miss psychotic and nightmare arena already :( lol. seriously though, these maps will probably rock, Cos im actually making terrain worth looking at...
Anyone who thought the world was going to end if i ever did my own decent terraining?
The End Is Now!
Ok...ill grant that was a dumb joke :)tdown: with map!) ranting again arent i?
ill umm....shut up for now. hehehe...


New Member
Alrighty then, thanks to the admin (Arkidas right?) I figured out how to make the site let me log in (apparently we have a .net address :? ive been gone way too long)

Anyway! good news and bad news regarding my maps but first the bad news...
:S I recently wiped my computers memory and for whatever evil reason it had, it didn't copy Shattered Lands or Warscape Arena.
The Good News: X-Cronic-X was still working on Warscape
S'mo bad news: I havent heard from Cronic in a month at all...
In any event I'm temporarily stuck without anything to work on...Right I'll let everyone know if I think of something.
-Map (>_< need...ideas...)


New Member
Alright, my loyal fans!
(...okay, somewhat loyal fans? friendly aquaintances?...o_o)
I've started to rebuild Psychotic Arena from the ground up- it will be bigger, stronger, faster...
and the map will be good too.

-Removing all the lame heroes (Neo, for instance...he did suck)
-Revamping old ones that stay (dante now has a very...interesting attack involving a watch)
-more psychosis than ever (holy **** is that a cow?)
-New heroes (see above comment)
-yeah thats all i can think of--
-better terrain

I'll talk later.