Mei Mercenary review?



New Member
Speed > Armor.

There's a million of these threads already around. Try and check before you post to see if anyone else has posted something like your planned topic.

I'm really getting tired of the same old same old.


Active Member

Pros > Tons of GP from her, Speed, Hard To Attack, Good Close to Medium Range.
Cons > Armor is not good, Not good far range

I'm confused on why this is? Mei is actually worse in CQC than range. A few random shots from everyone spraying is all it takes to take you down in CQC, range you snipe, run to a new spot fast, snipe, run to another spot, snipe, ect.


New Member
She's good all around. You can't take a shotgun close up, but I strafe and dodge ALOT at close range. Consider the fact that I'm most likely shooting, dodging through something or over something and they're not moving 90% of the time...

It's almost not fair. In my opinion she's a weak sniper simply because light armor only takes one shot to down with the l96. If you snipe alot and don't move around, it'd probably be best to get a heavy.


Active Member
She's good all around. You can't take a shotgun close up, but I strafe and dodge ALOT at close range. Consider the fact that I'm most likely shooting, dodging through something or over something and they're not moving 90% of the time...

It's almost not fair. In my opinion she's a weak sniper simply because light armor only takes one shot to down with the l96. If you snipe alot and don't move around, it'd probably be best to get a heavy.
I find her to be the best for sniping. Strike fast without being seen lol


New Member
Hummm maybe Mei is good for Snow Valley and Cold Seed CTF then? But I think if you can make the most out of Mei's speed, armor won't be a problem. :rolleyes: