My Poems


New Member
Well, since comments from johnfn (from wc3c) have inspired me, I wrote a couple more poems.
And I NAMED ONE!!! Yay me.
Anyways, this will be update regularly, since I don't want to keep making these threads.
All the poems will be collected here, and I will signal additions via a new post that signifies an update.
Well, here the two poems are.

EDIT: Thinking of calling this one "Questions", tell me what you think of the title.
EDIT2: Added "Mountains"

Where have you been today?
Is it night already?
When was the last time I saw you?
My mind's a blur, I cannot think.
What happened this day?
I seem to have forgotten.
Why won't you answer me?
Did something horrible happen?
Wait, is that why I forget,
because I do not wish to remember?
Maybe I should stop asking questions.



I seem to waste time on things that do not matter.
In fact, it seems I am no better than any fool.
I sit around, waste time and get fatter.
I should be doing something that is real,
has substance, has a deeper meaning.
But I know why this does not happen.
I am not ready.

Every day I am a slave to mindless machines.
They draw me in, raise my dopamine and I'm addicted.
How do I escape? The ultimate question,
One that has no answer but to stop.
But then again, what would I use my time for?
I am nothing.

Failing, all the time.
I can never seem to be equivalent
To everyone. Most times I look
And find I am falling behind.
What can I do?
Nothing, because
I am not worthy.



They loom over the skyscrapers,
Outshine even the sun.
They are covered with trees,
And make my heart full of content.

What would the world be without them?
They are a refuge to me
And many others that feel
Without them they would be lost.

I once travelled away from them.
I could not ever feel at home there.
They are comfort, my escape.
From the hardships of city life.

What could I do without them?
They make me content, at home.
When I am away, I am lost.
I am comforted with them there.