My World of Warcraft account + cd-s and cd-keys for a LFS S2 licenced account


New Member
Im willing to trade my wow account with all expansions activated (in retail stores, the game, and 2 expansions cost 75$) for an Live for Speed account with S2 licence (s2 licence costs like 41$ (24£)) If the trade is on, i will give my hotmail account which was used to create the account, all Cd-s and everything that came with them (boxes, manuals etc.) and also the serial keys if u need authorization to blizzard staff at any time in the future(serial keys are in the boxes) Account does have a lvl 74 warrior already in it with some other lower lvl characters like a lvl 41 priest or lvl 31 paladin. If u want to make the trade for ur own profit, just go and make account at and buy ur licence with that account at .