outspark copyng nexon games!

ok so i just noticed this , blackshot is exactly like combatarms but with a little bit of fiferences and they have a new game called windslayer that is exactly like maplestory , althu they have better clasess and faster lvling hehe...


every FPS will copy another type of FPS which was created before them. CS could have copied a..... Game created before it.
every FPS will copy another type of FPS which was created before them. CS could have copied a..... Game created before it.

truwe that but the wind game has almost everything maplesotry has and w3ell if u dont belive me just go to google type it and go to the web and look at trailer


New Member
Blackshot is more of a FPS+RPG than a copy off of Combat Arms. They're going to have perks, like in Call of Duty, that you unlock for 'last stand' and 'martyrdom'. In addition to perks, they're adding in weapon mastery, experience bars, etc...

This isn't a copy off of Combat Arms, more or less a re-imagination of any FPS.