please read this post

Sorry I was MIA this weekend, I Found out the couple that took us out for my wifes 21st b-day died, so had been rather dazed since the phone rang saturday. I don't mean to breing real life in the forrum but I needed to share.
Kiss you children, and check your friends. There are more women facing this kind of husband than we can count. if you have someone in your life in this situatuon please forward these links.

My wife and I offered Kelly our home 9 years ago if she was ready to leave his abuse back then, but she thought they could work it out, and that John would "grow up". After 3 children and another 8 years of abuse she finaly did it, the idea of losing visitation with the kids cost him his sanity. It sickens me to know I held the gun he used to kill her when he was showing off his new toy of the week nearly a decade ago. I sold him 1 of his corvettes, more trucks than I can count. I belive because he had a $3,000,000 trust and a $700,000 home she tolerated his abuse for the sake of creature comforts. I regret not asking her to leave him 100 times more than I did when I had the chance.

Some times it realy fucking sucks you can't convince someone your right, and that you see somthing they dont, or wont admit to knowing. I told you so is a lost verse for a dead woman.

We walked away from them many years ago after to trying to get her to leave him for 2 years. I don't waste my time on stupid people that wont take good advice from my wife, or myself. I will miss her, and in some ways I will miss him. I helped him burry his father, but will not help his grandfather burry him, after asking them not to visit, or deliver gifts for our children nearly 7 years ago we were done with them but seperated frinds. God let them rest in peace.


New Member
That is fucked up, daddy. Sorry to hear that.

Condoleances (spelling?)

BTW about a month ago a friend of mine found out she's got leukemia...she's 25.......fukin sad man. First time I experienced such thing, so I was kinda kucked up too

Don't mean to deflect from your story , just wanna point out how unfair life is with some ppl


New Member
thats harsh dad really harsh that shouldnt happen ever. there should be more ways to prvent it

and a painful storry from me
my fav granny died at the age of 65 on christmas day a couple years ago 1 month later my mother stole me and my brothers from my dad for the second time

thanks for the good thoughts, My only reasons for posting were to vent since my wife is out of town, and to bring awairness to domestic battery and abuse. since it just got thrown back into my life with such sick results.

These were real people and if 1 of you remembers this in 5 or 18 years when you recognise the traits in a friend dont stop trying to get them help, or seperated. dont ever turn your back and ignore a black eye, or a degrading coment you overheard. If you get ignored by the victim call the police for them, at least that will bring it to the eyes and ears of the police if they are too scared to call for themselves.


New Member
Daddy- my deepest sympathy.

I think that this falls into the "It will never happen to me" (or those close to me) category.

My cousin fell off of a cliff and died the night of my sister's wedding. It was plastered all over the local news for a few days following. He was 28 years old. It seems that tragedy only hits home when we stare it in the face.
no regrest, John was a rude and obnoxous man, he murdered his wife and took his own life like a coward. He should have lived to be 150 and been ass raped every day in prision for what he did. I walked away from him 7 years ago and asked him not to visit, or buy my children any more gifts, so it has been along time since I called that man a friend.In some ways I will miss him(my space bar just died mid post lol)

But for the most part I just hope this stays with yall because "I knew someone who knew that dude" might be enough that you wont ever look the other way at verbal or phisical abuse knowing where it can lead.John was a trust fund baby worth over 3,000,000,With a mansion for a home and more cars than any resonable garage could hold(he had 3 of the last year SS Impala none with more than 200
miles,he had pimped out vintage cars and brand new cadalic's,
But all the money in the world could not have bought him respect.Fuck him fuck his pussy actions and his gutless escape from

Just take a moment and feel sorry for his children,for the famly of Kelly Alexendar. I don't need any prayers or warm fuzzys

I'm cool with it I guess. but if I ever hear a husband talk down to his wife,or see a husband lay a hand on his wife,I might not be as calm as I have been up to now about treating it as "her problem for not leaving him" in my attitudes. Sorry to be so charged about this but it fucked up shit and worth bringing up for a fresh round of reality checking.

Edited for underscore spacing. Believe you me I know what having concern about abusive relationships is all about



New Member
whoa sucks that your space bar went after it went i had a hard time readin the post. do you by any chance know what is goin to happen to the kids?
you dont have to answer that its not an important question just curiosity


New Member

I think its bullshit that that paper blasted there story all over like that, if there is one thing you do in a situation like this, its try to respect the family and next of kin by not bashing there family members no matter how much slime they may be. That article alone is entirely one-sided at how bad the guy was(and there situation) that it doesnt other to say antyhign good about him.

Somehow I doubt he was entirely insane and the wife completely innocent.

And as for bashing him because he has a trustfund, wtf is that? So the guy had money, big deal.

Im sorry but this kind of thing goes straight to heart to me because im one of them trsutfund kids, and i gotta say money doesnt always make the man, i work, i pay my school and my debts, i dont get an ounce of what im to inherit until im 35 so i cna pay my kids to college(hell yeah!) but people have been giving me shit about it my whole life, so i can imagine the stresses the poor bastard must have had. It's one thing to bash a guy when hes down, but to bash him while hes 6ft under is something lower, im sure at some point they had a great life together all of them as a family and whoa things went bad and crazy, and he probably got so warped about how messed up shit was, maybe he downed soem jack and set off to end his pain.

I dont know im rambling....



New Member
personally i didnt find this thread to be a bash thread but a educated plea for prayer for the ones left behind. poor kids


New Member
i agree fenire, i dont think this thread was created to bash teh man. to me it sounds like daddy was trying to help us see waht happens in our world and to vent

adn daddy i completly agree with you...when i see any kind of abuse i get extremly pissed off....and i dotn even have a sad story to fuel my fire..i jsut ahte the fact that there are people out there that have to resort to violence becuase they cant handle a situation.


New Member
It never shocks me... things like this.
People are animals and we do things for reasons I don't understand. It is a shock when these things are so close to home, as in your case Justdad. I only wish the guy would have thought to himself that maybe just ending his own life alone would have been better for the children. This moron has stolen their childhood and stolen her life. If Hell exist I hope he is there looking at the soles of our feet, burning. Ignorance comes with morals and that is the human races sixth sense, it comes with the person.

Some people think roses smells good, some don’t.
Some people think cheese taste good, some don’t.
Some people think red looks pretty, some don’t.
Some people like the feel of silk, some don’t.
Some people like the sounds of trumpets, some don’t.
Some people think wrong is right. Some don’t.