psychonaut13....aka teh bunny


New Member
name: Patrick Coffield
age: 33
date of birth: 9.26.72

ok ok ok....listen closely kittlings. i'm a poet, a web designer, an artist, a philosopher, and i am capable of making your mind do things you didn't think it could/should do. i live my life as i see fit with only one rule, do as you will but harm none. i worked as a bouncer for a lot of years in bars, yet i'm still pretty, no missing teeth; that should tell you something. yes i'm going bald, i don't know why as my mother has no baldness on her side of the family....odd. i'm pretty heavily tattooed and used to work as a piercer although i've taken most of my metal out for some reason or another. i'm prone to bouts of depression that comes in waves. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i am a huge proponent of psychoactive substances. i believe they are medicine for a very fucking sick world. i do not support any government on this planet, and i work for no one. my life is my own and i do with it as i see fit. i don't believe in forcing my way upon anyone, let life be as it is, and leave it living. my closest religious affiliation would have to be budhism/taoism...mostly just eastern philosophy. i do not own any guns as i would probably use them on you. i have been called a monster, a looser, a god, a dreamer, and the greatest poet on planet earth; although i do not subscribe to any of those. my demons are my own, but should you be in the right place at the right time at just the right angle, you can see the angel in my eyes.

cz life: i came apon cs in 2000 while living with two room mates and knowing a friend down the block that played and when i saw it at first i was fucking cool. i wanna shoot ppl in the head! throw nades, GO GO GO! so i started playing on a room mate's computer and got into it pretty hard. did the whole clan, server, competitions, admin, thing for a long time and then i didn't have my own computer or a cable modem so i was just now?.....knitting? so yah, got a machine for myself a few months later and started tryin to play on dial up...mew....suxors indeed!1!!!!!

didn't take long till i adjusted my finances so i could get a cable modem and wham here i is....still playing punx...found it randomly and dug ont he ppl here. yep. pretty cool shit....
