Punx is the shit!



New Member
I started playin on PuNx under the name EnDeR (Sadistic knows) and at the time, sadistic wasnt punx so....that was a while ago...i think. At the time I was playing with a geforce 2 16mb with 128 ram and a shitty processor ( getting 20-30 fps) and Sadistic even offered me a radeon but i was like "ill just get a new rig". Then i went off CS for about 6 months. Then i came back and PuNx went to source and so I go out and buy source..but never got the chance to play source. And then One day i decided to play CZ again and saw PunX back at CZ and was happy. Well, I've been playin' under the name CurryINaHurry since MAY or June I believe.

P.S. I got a new rig in May '05 for Source and forgot about the thread; PUNX ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
PuNx admins

This server is the best for CZ. The other day I tried to play some other servers when this one was down. I can't go back though, playing with kids sucks ass, you wouldn't believe the mic spamming that goes on. I can't find any other servers without kids or TKers, spammers, hackers, grievers, racists or lamers. Nice job filtering out all the assholes

I also had a previos name i used to play on :l)eadringer IFD. I started playing here when my clan disbanded two years ago, we fucking kicked ass though. Then I assumed the identity gorilla warfare and now my name is enshirned in the shining gold halls of counterstrike fame. (I mean that's how I like to think about it)


New Member
I started playing on PuNx December of '03 back when it was still 1.6. That's when I first started playin CS also. I couldn't play at my school's dorm b/c of the firewall, so after playin for 3 weeks I had a 4 month break and then cz came out. I saw PuNx was cz and the rest is history!


New Member
Hmm now that i think about it i started playing here about this time last year because of gorillawarfare. The funny part is i was a complete noob and was happy to go even in kills/deaths... and i doubt any of you remember those days


New Member
After I got CZ I played on a server called NoHassle or something. I liked it cause it had psychostats and pretty cool playaz. One night tho I owned the shit outta the guy who was payin for the server , so I got banned from the server and the forums.............gay. He said something about my awp reloading too fast.......... :roll:
Anyhoo, I found PuNx and since that I only play here. Cept a few times when i feel like shootin up ppl on iceyworld or fy_pool.

Rock on , homos


New Member
JHoliday said:
anyways punx was like the 1st server me n dilla found playing cz. hah found the best server that fast! 8)

what he said!

and i started counterstrike like a month after it was converted to 1.5


New Member
i dont even remeber when i started playing punx, i do know that is was shortly after its creation, i played as Firebreeze85, however i ahd been playing cs for 6months to a year before that, on a server named f@nt@stic. it was a very nice server with a group of regs that would almost rival punx. i remeber back in the day you could play for days without seeing a single punx clan-member. and to be honost i thought procyon didnt even exist, until he started playing again not to long ago(6MO-1yr)

LOL good times guys

also there were a few short breaks thrown in due to lame parents and being to busy.


New Member
since I've been playn on the PuNx server, i've found the atmosphere on it to be much more of wat i waz used to on the college lan servers (40+ cutthroat gamez a night!), so from me to u PuNx, thanx for the gamez guyz an galz!!!!

- [-.-t] aka F/-\(e (thanx for the name Monkee!!!) :twisted: