Riddle Game!



New Member
Mom's Son said:
Fuck it? Wating is slowing down this topic.

What do people make that you can't see?

Noise. thats it i'd say so im going with my riddle.

There is a common nine letter word in the standard English dictionary. Each time you remove a letter from it, it makes another common English word, from nine letters all the way down to one letter. What is the word?

oh and a hint: the word is on this page: http://www.esclub.gr/games/wordox/9.html

Mom's Son

New Member

Check out my Print Screen.


We just talked about that in english no lie like last week. :D

Mom's Son

New Member
You're trapped in a Steel house no windows or doors only thing in the house with you is a Table and a Mirror. How do you escape from this house?


New Member
Mom's Son said:
You're trapped in a Steel house no windows or doors only thing in the house with you is a Table and a Mirror. How do you escape from this house?

i've seen this one before


New Member
Mom's Son said:
You're trapped in a Steel house no windows or doors only thing in the house with you is a Table and a Mirror. How do you escape from this house?

mYth said:
1. Look in the mirror.

2. See what you saw.

3. Grab the saw.

4. Cut the table in half.

5.Two halves make a hole.

6. Climb out the whole!

Mom's Son

New Member
A sheik announced that a race would decide which of his two sons would inherit all his wealth. The sons were to ride their camels to a certain distant city. The son whose camel reached the city last would be given all the sheik's wealth. The two sons set out on the journey. After severals days of aimless wandering, they met and agreed to seek the advice of a wiseman. After listening to the wiseman's advice, the two sons rode the camels as quickly as possible to the designated city. What was it that the wiseman told the two sons? They did not agree to split the wealth, and their father's decree would be followed.