WTS: Selling Steam Account for CsGo Items


New Member
Hey, I am selling my Steam Account, I got on this account:
-Call of Duty Black ops 2
-2 Dlc's
-more than 10 Skins
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare
-Call of Duty Ghost
-Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

I got Steam family on it too. Its connected to my Main Acc:
There i got

Feel free to send me Offers.

I only accept Steam Items, Steam Wallet, PaySafeCard or BitCoin
If u are interessted in buying it add me on my Main Steam Account or on Skype:
Skype: alexderharz26
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xAlexde/

P.S. To sell my Account I use a middleman. You can choose which Middleman from here: https://steamrep.com/list/M
These are offical Middlemans.