Some Questions


New Member

I was wondering, when I leave a game before it is finished. Do the kills/deaths apply to my stats?

Also, the heavy vest works for the base characters right?
Because I notice is says
"character restricted" in the shop....:confused:

Anyways, hop ya can help,


New Member
1. When you exit the game pre-maturely, your kills and deaths are still logged but you aren't given GP/EXP.

2. Yes heavy vests work with the basic characters. Only blackmarket characters can't put vests on (because they already come with either a light or heavy vest).


New Member
ah, perfect, just what I wanted to know.

Cuz I've been leaving alot of games because of hackers lately. Just wanted to make sure I was getting the kills at least, =)

Ohhhh....just thought of something, when I buy a supply case, is it automatically start the time on the item you got? I know some people buy em a dozen at a time looking for a weapon. Doesint all that time go to waste? =P


New Member
awwww, they should rework that, =P

Maybe like, you can place the item in your storage and activate it when you want it, oh wells.
Thanks for the help again Layzie.